Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DreamWorks' skies are the best.

Friday, December 23, 2011

i feel like writing a novel.
if only they could slap all the special effects and background from TS3 into TS2 8|

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sims 2 male ocs.
i have female oc ideas but the prototypes always end up looking like poorly made barbie dolls bc i dont know how to  put on makeup.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

looks like Florida to me.
thanks to the game im actually paying more attention to my surroundings. not a lot of impressive architecture down here, but a simple rectangle-looking house or shop is enough to make me think.

Friday, December 16, 2011

i must be the only one this bad at interior design

(weird resolution bc of laptop idk why)
failed attempt at reconstructing Dante's office.
too lazy to build a new place so had to use the tiny place provided.

it is a living room.

Maxis. they knew.

and of course there is always non-canon stuff bc thats what sims 2 is for:

i just installed 3 EPs last night so there are still a lot to discover.
that's my Christmas present for myself since nobody asked about my wishlist. no there is no secret santa for me, i am my own santa from now on.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

found Howl's Moving Castle on Netflix last night and watched it for the first time lol. although im not an anime fan, i must say it was quite a ride.
some of the scenes that i thought were visually stunning: (contain spoilers but most ppl from the internet have seen it so yea)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

havent been able to complete any missions since i left my mouse at my apt so this is pretty much what i do besides trying to find all the landmarks. not doing too well with the touchpad (wouldn't fall on to the ground that often if i was using a mouse.)
also i got all A's for this semester.
hard-earned A's.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

never seen this place before

this was new. just discovered it today.
he didnt take bribe btw.

also, this dish didnt go bad:

Monday, December 12, 2011

epic slow internet we're having.

screenshot dump

i know i should make a separate blog for my Sims photo journal, but for the time being i'll just dump everything here.

this creeps me out for some reason.

i did order pizza this time but Nero put it in the bathroom. you numbnut.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

first time using Body Shop

clothing successfully recolored:
will be taking new screenshots.

DMC Sims 2 - first try


everything went better than expected. wish i could recolor Lady's outfit thou.
and i forgot to order pizza.

Sons of Sparda household: in progress

Saturday, December 10, 2011

what i've been doing

working out in an unhealthy way

being a parkour god 


nope, just kidding
i meant skydiving

 working out even more

in general, all the things i wasn't able to do in GTA.