Friday, September 30, 2011

what happens when you upload your studies to da

someone's super jelly lol.
either that or he's just plain dumb, i dunno.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Anybody can make art, but not anybody can be an artist." - my teacher

Saturday, September 24, 2011

photo study
had to stop bc of hw
some people make the artistic ability look like a touch of "miracle" from God. imagine when one day you decide to draw something out of boredom and BOOM, your skill skyrockets like a baus even though you hardly practice at all.

it is unfair, but i have seen far more people getting better by hard work so i'm sticking to that, for i didn't receive any kinds of miracle touch anywhere in my life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blogger please don't even attempt.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


a freaking grasshopper tickled my doodle bone and ruined my plan to do hw. it's unbelievable.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Here goes my first 3-D design project.

This is made completely out of paper (mostly cardboard, illustration board, and poster board). The lid can be opened/closed, and all of the 85 keys are pushable (they also make that real "keyboard" sound when you tap them, according to my classmates). I could not find any tutorials on making a paper laptop like this so i had to come up with all the steps by myself. It was a traumatic process, but persistence brought me through it.

Got a C because of the sloppiness (I am by no means an artisan and never will be), but all I care about is that this is the most complicated thing I have ever crafted out of paper, and I thanked myself for not quitting.

just a minor detail:
the CD tray was actually ejectable (manually) before i glued everything down.

is it?

not trying to sound mean, but that is a very arrogant statement.
never in my life have i heard any well-established artists saying that. even Rubens, Michelangelo, Picasso, Van Gogh, etc. struggled with their works.
being able to draw well in anime style does not make art any easier. i hope the art university she is going to will teach her a thing or two about the word "easy".

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Project was due at 11:30 today, and I got done at 10:37 with only 3 hours of sleep. It was one of the hardest projects I have ever done in my life.

university y u so intense.

Monday, September 12, 2011

muscle memory fails

why did i suddenly type in tongues while drafting my artist statement loool
more time to work on my project

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

i cheated in SAI
no really it did all the hard work for me.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

experiment with colors

Saturday, September 3, 2011

oc sketch

same guy

he looks like my other oc bc theyre related.

Painting/drawing studio at my university. Yep, no desks.

5-hour long homework (teacher wanted 6). i missed dinner because of this.
since Drawing I is already this hardcore, everybody in upper division classes must be drawing gods.

Friday, September 2, 2011

early morning doodle that went nowhere
i am going to fail so badly at school by wasting time on random crap like this lol.