Saturday, April 30, 2011

y u no jump

what the heck is this lol looks like an assassin creed wannabe
i want to draw fullbodies but i can't think of anythinggg

I feel so ignorant

I think there were about 2 billions people going gaga?
I don't care about weddings, but this is just sad.

At least I'm aware of what happened in the US.
I know people from Hayden and Warrior, which are pretty far away from Tuscaloosa and Athens. They still got hit and lost power, but thank God they're okay.

Just a heads up... God is angry.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

more trash

kid you don't even have a body you're a blob blobs don't ask qeschun

mkay busy day tomorrow i suppose.
wow i haven't littered in 2 or 3 days homework was intense.
i hope to start some serious practice sessions when summer begins.
There is an epic rain falling in my town right now lol, I don't know how to describe it but it's awesome.
I hated rain when I was in IL.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So my self-portrait was chosen to be displayed at my school's student art show and somehow it got me an "Outstanding Illustration" award (of course I def. don't deserve it, but this is a small school where people are more crazy about sport so yeah). And the judge said it was actually the first one that he picked out O_O
Then a lady bought a print of it FOR $10.
But this is the second time someone bought my art from an art show @__@ The first time was 2 years ago.
And I've only entered 2 art shows in my entire life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

...I think I fell in love.

Also I'm going to deactivate my FB soon I put too much trash up there. But of course Blogger is still my biggest dump so I'm planning to cero it too. Yeah frands I don't want to hurt your eyes.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Why Invest in a Portrait?"

In today’s world of readily available and affordable photography, people often ask, "why would I want to spend so much to have a portrait painted?". For several generations, southerners have known what west- coasters are just discovering - that a painting is a treasured possession that has a life of it’s own.
A painted portrait is not just a collection of data burned onto some film, it is an interpretation of one’s very being, filtered through the eyes and skills of an artist who takes the time to study and deeply observe the subject. A painted portrait affirms the precious value that the sitter has in this world. It says, "you are of incredible worth, you mattered, you made a difference in this world just by being". It reminds one of their eternalness, as humans bear the unmistakable image of their Creator.
A painted portrait affirms the sitter, as it says to all who view it,"this person I cherished". It confirms the benefactor's desire to never let the sitter's influence be erased from tide of his personal history.
A painted portrait only increases in value, unlike a car or other material object which rusts away and depreciates, because not only does it capture a moment in time, it cheats time’s ability to steal away our memories. And we are left with an image which changes daily, almost having a living, breathing quality as it lives in the room in which it is hung, changing by the moment as the light plays across the artist's brushstrokes at different times of the day. We are intrigued by what the artist saw as he studied his subject and sought to interpret his observations. Did he reveal something the sitter thought carefully hidden? Did he bring to light a strength of character the sitter was too modest to boast of? Did he in some way capture a bit of his sitter's soul on canvas?
To live with art is to be changed. It is unpredictable, often surprising, and it stirs our imaginations, lifting them above the realm of ordinary interpretation. A painted portrait is a small price to pay for a place in history.

Jennifer Welty

Photography is quick, convenient and all but yeah, I'll be more likely to toss a photo rather than a portrait painting when I have to clean up my closet or something.

Friday, April 15, 2011

what is this i don't even

That's Las Noches fer ya loooool.
The last time I attempted to build a sand castle was back when I was 6 rofl.

Had a great time with my friends at the beach today. I need to go out more often.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

some pencil poop

Simple sketch for practicing in Illustrator.
Adjuchas Grimmjow would of made an awesome school mascot lol.

Old upside down drawing (click here for more details)
I had a headache trying to do this.

Silly doodle is silly.