Why does art exist? What is it “purpose”?
I see art in the fullness of life and life in the fullness of art. Art for me is an expression of love. I have always perceive art as the important bond for our beautiful world. Applying art in our lives can lead to the mutual understanding, respect and hold tight the values of our world and cultures. I have always believed that art is a manifestation of love, loving the nature around us and the people we share our world with. Art is a powerful tool and a silent International language that can convey messages to the world reflecting culture, history and civilization. This language can speak up, announce, express, make known, unify, bring together, support, encourage, share, care for, show compassion and kind feelings toward all. When we truly love what we do, we do it whole-souled and become professionals at it. In two words; Art is to LOVE.
-Mona Youssef